We kicked off our weekend with running a few errands with a quick stop at the local grocery store in which Oli was allowed a treat for having a great week. After looking at the overwhelming options he decided on a classic, M&M's. Once we got home he excitedly ripped opened up the bag inspecting and tasting each chocolate while willing to sacrifice a piece here and there with me in order to share the experience. To entertain his gesture I said "Ahhh, a little piece of heaven", of course as I was closing in on HEAVEN it felt 100% wrong and knew there was noway it could be taken back. I knew this comment would open up Pandora's Box, the questions of what Heaven and Jesus represent are about to go on question overload. He would want to know if his sick dog Pennie would be able to eat M&M's in heaven, do you get to eat them all the time and what else do we import from there. Instantly I notice a long confused paused in his eyes which indicate a question was about to blurt out and instead he started to examine the evidence. He know's Jesus died and went to heaven, he thinks you can drive your car there and he also think Jesus will give Pennie new eyes once she expires. He started up by saying "Mommy, when Jesus died he went to heaven, did he make M&M's there? WHO MAKES M&M's, Jesus...? Does Jesus make M&M's?"
So, if he tells you Jesus makes M&M's PLEASE go along with it.
...wait, doesn't He?