Thursday, December 8, 2011

North Pole Bound

Advent: Day 8

We enjoyed Day 8 with a road trip and a train ride to the North Pole via the Polar Express in Williams, Arizona.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Gingerbread House

Advent Day 7:

Today's treat, decorate a Gingerbread House. Kids had some fun with this treat as they licked the frosting off the snowman.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Four and a Half

For most adults a mid year birthday is an insignificant milestone nearly avoided or completely forgotten. For a child it's an indicator a birthday is approaching and a maturing of their current age.
Today, we are reminded by Oliver he is no longer four, he's four and a half. For me its a reminder he is no longer a baby, nor a toddler, but a boy who is starting a journey to the second half of his first 10 years.
We love you Oliver and thank you for the blessings you bring us everyday.

What type of dialog do we have with a four and a half year old? One in which he offers to "start up" the car, turn the engine on while we get out the door. Clearly we had to decline the offer and hide the keys.

"Push me to the sky!" Harper enjoying her afternoon at the park.

Merry ChristmasomMmnnnfnfxnxnxmkxm ffmmsspklkslsslsllllzllslslsoksllzslsmmmsmmmlslsldszzkldlsllllslllzammmdmfhjfjr

Here are few pictures from our Christmas photo shoot with Justine Miller from Thanks Justine for the great pictures.dnrmsmnsjsdjkeemfmfmfmmflkdllkdkmzhdmnsmbzn Zenmsmjskskldlk

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Friday, September 23, 2011

Who makes M&M's?

I don't recall too many half day's of school growing up in Southern California however, the ones I do recall were always joyful as we enjoyed a fun afternoon with our parents or a family member. This year while reviewing my sons  school calendar I noticed a reoccurring abundance of half days and concluded I would have to make them memorable. SO, today was the second half day of the 2 week's in year. Yep, you heard that right. As the week closed in my schedule was open enough were a work half day could be obtained and enjoyed with Oli.

We kicked off our weekend with running a few errands with a quick stop at the local grocery store in which Oli was allowed a treat for having a great week. After looking at the overwhelming options he decided on a classic, M&M's. Once we got home he excitedly ripped opened up the bag inspecting and tasting each chocolate while willing to sacrifice a piece here and there with me in order to share the experience.  To entertain his gesture I said "Ahhh, a little piece of heaven", of course as I was closing in on HEAVEN it felt 100% wrong and knew there was noway it could be taken back. I knew this comment would open up Pandora's Box, the questions of what Heaven and Jesus represent are about to go on question overload. He would want to know if his sick dog Pennie would be able to eat M&M's in heaven, do you get to eat them all the time and what else do we import from there. Instantly I notice a long confused paused in his eyes which indicate a question was about to blurt out and instead he started to examine the evidence. He know's Jesus died and went to heaven, he thinks you can drive your car there and he also think Jesus will give Pennie new eyes once she expires. He started up by saying "Mommy, when Jesus died he went to heaven, did he make M&M's there? WHO MAKES M&M's, Jesus...? Does Jesus make M&M's?" 

So, if he tells you Jesus makes M&M's PLEASE go along with it. 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

At my New School....

Finally September rolls around to kick off the new school year and for some that means an entirely new school. For Oliver every conversation marking the start of his new year will begin with "At my new school....", the nerves and excitement take over and we end up with a 4 year old who is clearly overwhelmed on the first day of school.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Little Farley's

Hello World! Today my adventure starts on blogging about things relevant to any women who has ever had the pleasure of  juggling children, a marriage, working from home for corporate America and trying to maintain some sanity with a sense of humor. Please join me as humor helps me in coping with my sanity.